The Mexican problem is crazy, I am Mexican this is why I am looking to make Mexican stuff, first of all, saying that I have to say that it is difficult the way Americans picture Mexicans is super odd, we are not like that we don't look like that, but that is what they see in their country the Mexican-American is that, so the way they picture us is off, and not just a little bit off a lot OFF, but is ok, this is why I am testing all the ways to make a perfect Mexican, I been trying to get a fascinating Mexican person looking with Kitsch prompts and every time I am pushing that way I get a Californian looking Mexican-American, but I can't get a normal Mexican, is kind of funny for me as I had lived in Los Angeles for a long time and I get the look and is a Lowbrow Kitsch Hollywood look of Mexicans.

The Mexican Hat thing is also a problem but for that, there is an easy fix just type on the prompts --no hat or Hat::-0.5 and that will take care of the hats but is a problem, just hillbillies from Mexican farms wear hats, and not the mariachi hats that is just a theatrical style of hat, no one wears them.
We Mexicans know that that is the way we are portrayed in old Black n White very old movies from before 1950s and some countries think that we are like that still, and is a problem because we don't look anything like that, the modern Mexican is just like anyone in the world we don't have a particular style like those and in prompts that is a problem because we cant prompt us easily.

Another thing we write Mexican and the Ai think we have Skull looks every time there is another way around it just write --no skull or skull::-0.5 and that will do sometimes, the Ai really want us to look with skulls and it is a huge problem for the Ai we have to have mariachi hats and have to look like skulls that are the normal Mexican for the Ai.